For centuries, track & field has constantly been one of the most popular sports in the world. While the first track & field competition took place as early as 776 BC, the sport as we know it has existed since the late 1800s.

Photo: Olavi Kaljunen / Trackpic
Usain Bolt (7).
Track & Field – History
Track & field is one of the most highly regarded sports globally, as it is practised all over the world. The world federation of track & field is called World Athletics, formerly known as IAAF. The federation has 214 member states.
Many of today's track & field disciplines were already present when the first Olympic Games took place in 1896. Those games also served as a starting point for the establishment and wider awareness of the sport. The founding of IAAF at the Stockholm Olympics in 1912 was a remarkable step forward in the internalisation of track & field. This era also marked the creation of a more precise set of rules for track & field, and began the listing of world records.
Year 1921 was noteworthy for equality, as it was the first time women were allowed to compete in track & field. The first Olympics with female contestants took place in 1928, though women only participated in a handful of disciplines that time. In addition to women, professional athletes were not seen in the Games until 1970, when they were finally granted access to the Olympics.
During the next few decades, track & field spread globally, with various nations participating in international elite games. For example, the first Olympic level participation of the great power Soviet Union took place in Helsinki in 1952. Unfortunately, political conflicts, such as the Cold War, also affected track & field, with implications as to which nations could participate in elite games.
The first
European Championships in track & field were organised as early as 1934, while the first
World Championships were not arranged until 1983. This marked the starting point of organising track & field championship games nearly every year.

Photo: Olavi Kaljunen / Trackpic
Women heptathlonists at the London Olympic Stadium.
Athletics calendar - Competition schedule
Here you can find the calendar for the main athletics events held around the world.
NOTE! All the times in the calendar are Central European Time (CET), UTC +1.
2.1.2025 | Pole Vault GP Tallinn (World Athletics Indoor Tour Challenger D) | Lasnamäe Kergejõustikuhall, Tallinn (EST) |
10.1.2025 | Miting Catalunya (World Athletics Indoor Tour Challenger D) | Pista Coberta de Catalunya, Sabadell (ESP) |
11.1.2025 | Univers Perche (World Athletics Indoor Tour Challenger D) | Centre Sportif du Dévoluy, Superdévoluy (FRA) |
12.1.2025 | Loughborough Indoor Pole Vault Memorial (World Athletics Indoor Tour Challenger D) | Loughborough University Indoor Track, Loughborough (GBR) |
12.1.2025 | Stabhochsprung Stars 2025 (World Athletics Indoor Tour Challenger D) | Raiffeisen athletics-center, Frauenfeld (SUI) |
18.1.2025 | ?eská ty?ka 2025 (World Athletics Indoor Tour Challenger D) | P?etlaková hala Strahov, Strahov, Praha (CZE) |
18.1.2025 | I Meeting Internacional de Ourense (World Athletics Indoor Tour Challenger D) | Pistas Expourense, Ourense (ESP) |
18.1.2025 | "IV Memorial ""Alessio Giovannini""" (World Athletics Indoor Tour Challenger D) | Palaindoor Ancona, Ancona (ITA) |
18.1.2025 | Meeting de Saut en Hauteur d'Hirson (World Athletics Indoor Tour Challenger D) | Salle Georges Hébert, Hirson (FRA) |
18.1.2025 | Sparkassen Indoor Meeting Dortmund (World Athletics Indoor Tour Bronze C) | Helmut-Körnig-Halle, Dortmund (GER) |
18.1.2025 | Starperche (World Athletics Indoor Tour Bronze C) | Palais des Sports, Bordeaux (FRA) |
18.1.2025 | Vaggelis Kourkoutidis Memorial (World Athletics Indoor Tour Challenger D) | Tasoula Kelesidou indoor track, Thessaloniki (GRE) |
19.1.2025 | CMCM Indoor Meeting (World Athletics Indoor Tour Silver B) | Coque Sport Center, Luxembourg (LUX) |
21.1.2025 | Aarhus SPRINTnJUMP (World Athletics Indoor Tour Bronze C) | Aarhus Atletik og Løbeakademi, Århus (DEN) |
22.1.2025 | Otrokovice Jump (World Athletics Indoor Tour Challenger D) | M?stská sportovní hala, Otrokovice (CZE) |
24.1.2025 - 25.1.2025 | Perche Elite Tour Rouen (World Athletics Indoor Tour Silver B) | Complexe Kindarena, Rouen (FRA) |
25.1.2025 | 26. Internationales Leichtathletik Hallenmeeting (World Athletics Indoor Tour Challenger D) | Leichtathletikhalle im Sportforum, Chemnitz (GER) |
25.1.2025 | Astana Indoor Meet for Amin Tuyakov Prizes (World Athletics Indoor Tour Gold A) | Track & Field complex QAZAQSTAN, Astana (KAZ) |
25.1.2025 | Dr. Sander Invitational (World Athletics Indoor Tour Bronze C) | Armory Track&Field Center, New York, NY (USA) |
25.1.2025 | Jablonec Indoor (World Athletics Indoor Tour Bronze C) | Atletická hala - stadion St?elnice, Jablonec nad Nisou (CZE) |
25.1.2025 | Metting de Nantes Metropole (World Athletics Indoor Tour Bronze C) | Stadium Pierre-Quinon, Nantes (FRA) |
25.1.2025 | Nordhausen Indoor Kugelstossen (World Athletics Indoor Tour Challenger D) | Wiedigsburghalle, Nordhausen (GER) |
25.1.2025 - 26.1.2025 | Brisbane Throws Classic (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | QSAC State Athletics Facility, Nathan, Brisbane (AUS) |
26.1.2025 | Meeting Moniz Pereira (World Athletics Indoor Tour Challenger D) | Expocentro, Pombal (POR) |
29.1.2025 | Belgrade Indoor Meeting (World Athletics Indoor Tour Gold A) | Atletska dvorana, Beograd (SRB) |
29.1.2025 | GP Jyväskylä Indoor (World Athletics Indoor Tour Bronze C) | Hipposhalli, Jyväskylä (FIN) |
29.1.2025 | International Jump Meeting Cottbus (World Athletics Indoor Tour Bronze C) | Lausitz-Arena, Cottbus (GER) |
29.1.2025 | Capital Classic (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Newtown Park Stadium, Wellington (NZL) |
30.1.2025 | Gorzów Jump Festival (World Athletics Indoor Tour Bronze C) | Arena Gorzów, Gorzów Wielkopolski (POL) |
31.1.2025 | 12. Nationales Hallenmeeting Erfurt Indoor 2025 (World Athletics Indoor Tour Challenger D) | Hartwig-Gauder-Halle, Erfurt (GER) |
31.1.2025 | Elite Indoor Track Miramas Meeting (World Athletics Indoor Tour Silver B) | Stadium Miramas Métropole, Miramas (FRA) |
31.1.2025 | Medavie Indoor Invitational (World Athletics Indoor Tour Bronze C) | Irving Oil Fieldhouse, Saint John (CAN) |
31.1.2025 - 1.2.2025 | Perch'Xtrem (World Athletics Indoor Tour Silver B) | Palais des Sports Caen la Mer, Caen (FRA) |
31.1.2025 - 1.2.2025 | PNC Lenny Lyles Invitational (World Athletics Indoor Tour Bronze C) | Norton Sports Center, Louisville, KY (USA) |
1.2.2025 | IFAM Gent Indoor (World Athletics Indoor Tour Bronze C) | Topsporthal Vlaanderen, Gent (BEL) |
1.2.2025 | Meeting 3 Sauts (World Athletics Indoor Tour Challenger D) | Salle Marie Collonvillé, Amiens (FRA) |
1.2.2025 | Vault Manchester (World Athletics Indoor Tour Challenger D) | Sportcity Indoor Track, Manchester (GBR) |
1.2.2025 | Potts Classic (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Hawke's Bay Sports Park, Hastings (NZL) |
2.2.2025 | Meeting de L'Eure (World Athletics Indoor Tour Silver B) | Stade couvert Jesse Owens, Val-de-Reuil (FRA) |
2.2.2025 | New Balance Indoor Grand Prix (World Athletics Indoor Tour Gold A) | The Track at New Balance, Boston, MA (USA) |
2.2.2025 | Rochlitz Shot Put Meeting (World Athletics Indoor Tour Challenger D) | Turnhalle Am Regenbogen, Rochlitz (GER) |
2.2.2025 | scottishathletics EAP Indoor Invitational (World Athletics Indoor Tour Challenger D) | Emirates Arena, Glasgow (GBR) |
4.2.2025 | Czech Indoor Gala (World Athletics Indoor Tour Gold A) | Atletická hala, Ostrava (CZE) |
5.2.2025 | Beskyd bar (World Athletics Indoor Tour Silver B) | Werk Arena, T?inec (CZE) |
6.2.2025 | Tampere Indoor Meeting (World Athletics Indoor Tour Bronze C) | TESC, Tampere (FIN) |
6.2.2025 | Udin Jump Development (World Athletics Indoor Tour Bronze C) | Palaindoor O. Bernes, Udine (ITA) |
7.2.2025 | BKK Freundenburg High Jump Meeting (World Athletics Indoor Tour Bronze C) | TSG-Halle, Weinheim (GER) |
7.2.2025 | Gran Premio Ciudad de Valencia (World Athletics Indoor Tour Bronze C) | Velódromo Luis Puig, Valencia (ESP) |
7.2.2025 | INIT Indoor Meeting Karlsruhe (World Athletics Indoor Tour Gold A) | Europahalle, Karlsruhe (GER) |
8.2.2025 | 5th International High Jump Gala Elmos (World Athletics Indoor Tour Challenger D) | Sporthal De Lichten, Heist-op-den-Berg (BEL) |
8.2.2025 | Hustope?ské skákání (World Athletics Indoor Tour Silver B) | M?stská sportovní hala, Hustope?e (CZE) |
8.2.2025 | Meeting Metz Moselle Athlelor (World Athletics Indoor Tour Silver B) | L'Anneau-Halle d'athlétisme de Metz, Metz (FRA) |
8.2.2025 | Millrose Games (World Athletics Indoor Tour Gold A) | Armory Track&Field Center, New York, NY (USA) |
8.2.2025 | Orlen Cup ?ód? (World Athletics Indoor Tour Silver B) | Atlas Arena, ?ód? (POL) |
9.2.2025 | ISTAF Indoor Düsseldorf (World Athletics Indoor Tour Silver B) | PSD Bank Dome, Düsseldorf (GER) |
9.2.2025 | Meeting de Paris Indoor (World Athletics Indoor Tour Silver B) | AccorHotels Arena de Bercy, Paris (FRA) |
9.2.2025 | Sir Graeme Douglas Memorial Track Classic (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Douglas Track & Field, Auckland (NZL) |
11.2.2025 - 12.2.2025 | Memorijal Josip Gaparac (World Athletics Indoor Tour Bronze C) | Dvorane Gradski Vrt, Osijek (CRO) |
13.2.2025 | Indoor Spike (World Athletics Indoor Tour Challenger D) | Atletická hala, Ruská, Ostrava (CZE) |
13.2.2025 | Meeting Hauts-de-France Pas-de-Calais Trophée EDF (World Athletics Indoor Tour Gold A) | Arena Stade Couvert, Liévin (FRA) |
14.2.2025 | ISTAF Indoor 2025 (World Athletics Indoor Tour Silver B) | Mercedes-Benz Arena, Berlin (GER) |
15.2.2025 | Bannister Winter Classic (World Athletics Indoor Tour Challenger D) | Friidrottens Hus, Göteborg (SWE) |
15.2.2025 | Birmingham International / BHX Indoors (World Athletics Indoor Tour Bronze C) | Utilita Arena Birmingham, Birmingham (GBR) |
15.2.2025 | Meeting Indoor de Lyon (World Athletics Indoor Tour Silver B) | Halle Stéphane Diagana, Lyon (FRA) |
15.2.2025 | Perche en Or (World Athletics Indoor Tour Bronze C) | Stabinski Velodrome, Roubaix (FRA) |
15.2.2025 | Adelaide Invitational (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | SA Athletic Stadium, Adelaide (AUS) |
16.2.2025 | Copernicus Cup (World Athletics Indoor Tour Gold A) | Arena, Toru? (POL) |
18.2.2025 | 31st Banskobystrická latka (World Athletics Indoor Tour Silver B) | portová hala Dukla, Banská Bystrica (SVK) |
19.2.2025 | Hv?zdy v Nehvizdech (World Athletics Indoor Tour Silver B) | Sportovní Hala, Nehvizdy (CZE) |
22.2.2025 | International Track Meet (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Nga Puna Wai Sports Hub, Christchurch (NZL) |
28.2.2025 | World Indoor Tour Gold Madrid 2025 (World Athletics Indoor Tour Gold A) | Gallur, Madrid (ESP) |
28.2.2025 - 1.3.2025 | All Star Perche by SCC (World Athletics Indoor Tour Silver B) | Maison des Sports, Clermont-Ferrand (FRA) |
1.3.2025 | Perth Track Classic (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | WA Athletics Stadium, Perth (AUS) |
13.3.2025 | Mondo Classic (World Athletics Indoor Tour Silver B) | IFU Arena, Uppsala (SWE) |
13.3.2025 - 15.3.2025 | MTN CHAMPS Athletics Classics (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Samuel Ogbemudia Stadium, Benin City (NGR) |
15.3.2025 | Sydney Track Classic (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | SOPAC, Sydney (AUS) |
29.3.2025 | Felix Sanchez Classic (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Estadio Luguelín Santos, Bayaguana (DOM) |
29.3.2025 | Maurie Plant Meet (World Athletics Continental Tour Gold A) | Lakeside Stadium, Melbourne (AUS) |
29.3.2025 | Melbourne Invitational (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Lakeside Stadium, Melbourne (AUS) |
29.3.2025 | The TEN (World Athletics Continental Tour Silver B) | JSerra Catholic HS, San Juan Capistrano, CA (USA) |
5.4.2025 | Miramar Invitational (World Athletics Continental Tour Silver B) | Ansin Sports Complex, Miramar, FL (USA) |
9.4.2025 - 12.4.2025 | MTN CHAMPS Continental Relays (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Yabatech Sport Complex, Lagos (NGR) |
11.4.2025 | Golden Fly Series JEDDAH (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | TBC (KSA) |
12.4.2025 | Botswana Continental Tour (World Athletics Continental Tour Gold A) | National Stadium, Gaborone (BOT) |
26.4.2025 | Diamond League Xiamen | Egret Stadium, Xiamen (CHN) |
2.5.2025 | UAE Athletics Grand Prix (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Dubai Police Club Stadium, Dubai (UAE) |
3.5.2025 | Diamond League Suzhou | Suzhou Olympic Sports Centre, Suzhou (CHN) |
10.5.2025 | 3. Internationales Hochsprungmeeting (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Zitadelle Spandau, Berlin (GER) |
10.5.2025 | Belfast Irish milers meet (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Mary Peters Track, Belfast (GBR) |
11.5.2025 | 18. ro?ník Hv?zdného házení (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | M?stský stadion St?elnice, Domalice (CZE) |
14.5.2025 | Dinamo Zrinjevac International Athletic Meeting (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Sports Park Mladost, Zagreb (CRO) |
16.5.2025 | Diamond League Doha | Doha (QAT) |
17.5.2025 | 6th Grand Prix Gliwice (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Arena Lekkoatletyczna, Gliwice (POL) |
17.5.2025 | Spåret 5000m (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Olympiastadion, Stockholm (SWE) |
17.5.2025 | Vergotia 2025 (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Andreas Vergotis Municipal Stadium, Argostoli (GRE) |
18.5.2025 | Golden Grand Prix 2025 (World Athletics Continental Tour Gold A) | TBC (JPN) |
18.5.2025 | Internationales Läufermeeting (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Schönbuchstadion, Pliezhausen (GER) |
21.5.2025 | 14th Savona International Meeting (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Centro Sportivo Fontanassa, Savona (ITA) |
22.5.2025 - 24.5.2025 | 50. Halplus Werfertage (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Werferzentrum Brandberge, Halle (GER) |
22.5.2025 - 24.5.2025 | WACT Zagreb - 75. Boris Hanekovi? Memorial (World Athletics Continental Tour Gold A) | Sports Park Mladost, Zagreb (CRO) |
24.5.2025 | British Milers Club Grand Prix (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Market Street Athletics Track, Bury (GBR) |
24.5.2025 | B&S Kurpfalz Gala Weinheim (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Sepp-Herberger-Stadion, Weinheim (GER) |
24.5.2025 | Fly in SKG Sky (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Thessaloniki (GRE) |
24.5.2025 | Lisek w domu - International Pole Vault Meeting (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Centrum Animacji Kultury, Duszniki (POL) |
24.5.2025 | Next Generation Athletics (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Atletiekbaan Brakkenstein, Nijmegen (NED) |
24.5.2025 - 25.5.2025 | IFAM Outdoor (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Boudewijnstadion, Bruxelles (BEL) |
25.5.2025 | Mednarodni Atletski Miting Ptuj in 5. Memorial Roberta Preloga (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Mestni stadion, Ptuj (SLO) |
25.5.2025 | Meeting International de Forbach (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Stade Omnisports Schlossberg, Forbach (FRA) |
25.5.2025 | Papaflessia 2025 (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Ethnikou Stadiou, Kalamata (GRE) |
25.5.2025 | Diamond League Rabat | Complexe Sportif Prince Moulay Abdellah, Rabat (MAR) |
28.5.2025 | 15th Filathlitkos Kallitheas International Jumping Meeting (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Grigoris Lambrakis Stadium, Kallithea, Athina (GRE) |
29.5.2025 | Meeting international du SATUC Toulouse Athlé (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Stade Universitaire D. Faucher, Toulouse (FRA) |
30.5.2025 | 43. Internationales Marktplatzspringen Recklinghausen (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Altstadtmarkt, Recklinghausen (GER) |
30.5.2025 | 7th Irena Szewi?ska Memorial (World Athletics Continental Tour Gold A) | Zdzis?aw Krzyszkowiak Stadium, Bydgoszcz (POL) |
30.5.2025 | GP Diputacion Castellon - Memorial Jose Antonio Cansino (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Pistes d'atletisme Gaetà Huguet, Castellón (ESP) |
30.5.2025 | Meeting Toulon Provence Méditerranée (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Stade L. Lagrange, Toulon (FRA) |
30.5.2025 | Tsatoumas Street Long Jump (World Athletics Continental Tour Silver B) | Central Square, Kalamata (GRE) |
31.5.2025 | 25th International Athletics Meeting Slovenska Bistrica (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | portni park, Slovenska Bistrica (SLO) |
31.5.2025 | 9. PUMA NITRO Lange Laufnacht (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Carl-Kaufmann-Stadion, Karlsruhe (GER) |
31.5.2025 | Canarias Athletics Invitational (World Athletics Continental Tour Silver B) | Centro de Atletismo de Tenerife, Santa Cruz de Tenerife (ESP) |
31.5.2025 | Gold Gala Fernanda Ribeiro (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Estádio José Vieira de Carvalho, Maia (POR) |
31.5.2025 | Jumping Gala (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Ceahlaul Station, Piatra Neam? (ROU) |
31.5.2025 | Kip Keino Classic (World Athletics Continental Tour Gold A) | Nyayo National Stadium, Nairobi (KEN) |
31.5.2025 | Meeting Nikaia (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Parc des Sports C. Ehrmann, Nice (FRA) |
31.5.2025 - 1.6.2025 | Tag der Überflieger (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Kennedyplatz, Essen (GER) |
1.6.2025 | 71. ORLEN Janusz Kusocinski Memorial (World Athletics Continental Tour Silver B) | Stadion ?l?ski, Chorzów (POL) |
1.6.2025 | Goldenes Oval 2025 (World Athletics Continental Tour Silver B) | Heinz-Steyer-Stadion, Dresden (GER) |
1.6.2025 | Hylo Javelin Meeting (World Athletics Continental Tour Silver B) | ETSV Stadion, Offenburg (GER) |
1.6.2025 | Opolski Festiwal Skoków (World Athletics Continental Tour Silver B) | Miejski Stadion, Opole (POL) |
1.6.2025 | touch the clouds festival 2025 (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Sportplatz des Kurt-Huber-Gymnasiums, Gräfelfing (GER) |
1.6.2025 | Venizeleia-Chania International Meeting (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Elena Venizelou National Stadium, Chania (GRE) |
2.6.2025 | 61° Palio Città della Quercia (World Athletics Continental Tour Silver B) | Stadio Quercia, Rovereto (ITA) |
2.6.2025 | Josef Odlozil Memorial (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Stadion Juliska, Praha (CZE) |
3.6.2025 | Trond Mohn Games (World Athletics Continental Tour Silver B) | Fana Stadion, Bergen (NOR) |
4.6.2025 | 20. NetAachen Domspringen (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Katschhof, Aachen (GER) |
4.6.2025 | Desafio Nerja (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Estadio Enrique Lopez Cuenca, Nerja (ESP) |
4.6.2025 | Korzo Jump 2025 (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | City square, Varadin (CRO) |
5.6.2025 | 20. Memorial Matica utari?a in Patrika Cvetana (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Atletski stadion Poljane, Maribor (SLO) |
6.6.2025 | 1500m Elite Jessheim (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Friidrettsstadion, Jessheim (NOR) |
6.6.2025 | Diamond League Rome | Stadio Olimpico, Roma (ITA) |
7.6.2025 | 21. Int. Golden Roof Challenge (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Maria-Theresien-Straße, Innsbruck (AUT) |
7.6.2025 | 49. Pfingstmeeting (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Stadion Trinermatten, Zofingen (SUI) |
7.6.2025 | Alexandrino Meeting - Georgios Pantos Memorial (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Municipal Sports Center, Alexandria (GRE) |
7.6.2025 | British Milers Club Grand Prix (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Birmingham University Athletics Track, Birmingham (GBR) |
7.6.2025 | Challenge Slovakia (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Mestský atletický tadión Antona Hajmássyho, Trnava (SVK) |
7.6.2025 | FAST5000 (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Parc des Sports, Maisons-Laffitte (FRA) |
7.6.2025 | Meeting International de Limoges (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Stade de Beaublanc, Limoges (FRA) |
7.6.2025 | Meeting National de Strasbourg (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Stade d'Athlétisme Hautepierre, Strasbourg (FRA) |
7.6.2025 - 8.6.2025 | 21. Int. Sparkassen Hammerwurf-Meeting 2025 (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Betty Heidler Arena, Fränkisch-Crumbach (GER) |
7.6.2025 - 8.6.2025 | Tyczka na Molo (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Skwer Kuracyjny, Sopot (POL) |
8.6.2025 | 4th Lucca International Meeting (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Campo Scuola Moreno Martini, Lucca (ITA) |
8.6.2025 | 60. Internationales Pfingstsportfest Rehlingen (World Athletics Continental Tour Silver B) | Bungertstadion, Rehlingen (GER) |
8.6.2025 | Gorzów Meeting (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Stadion im.Lubuskich Olimpijczyków, Gorzów Wielkopolski (POL) |
8.6.2025 | USATF Los Angeles Grand Prix (World Athletics Continental Tour Gold A) | Drake Stadium, Los Angeles, CA (USA) |
9.6.2025 | FBK Games (World Athletics Continental Tour Gold A) | FBK Stadium, Hengelo (NED) |
10.6.2025 | Filothei Women Gala (World Athletics Continental Tour Silver B) | Filothei Stadium, Athina (GRE) |
10.6.2025 | Kladno hází a Kladenské memoriály (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Mestský Stadion Sletite, Kladno (CZE) |
10.6.2025 | Meeting Cidade de Lisboa (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Estadio Universitario, Lisboa (POR) |
10.6.2025 | Meeting International de Montreuil (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Stade Jean Delbert, Montreuil (FRA) |
10.6.2025 | Miting Celjskih knezov (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | tadion Kladivar, Celje (SLO) |
10.6.2025 - 11.6.2025 | Salix Sub Astra (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | City square, Vrbovec (CRO) |
11.6.2025 | Motonet GP Lahti (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Stadion, Lahti (FIN) |
11.6.2025 - 12.6.2025 | JBL Jump Fest (World Athletics Continental Tour Silver B) | Alzbetina street, Koice (SVK) |
12.6.2025 | Diamond League Oslo | Bislett Stadion, Oslo (NOR) |
13.6.2025 | Meeting National de Seine et Marne (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Stade Philippe Mahut, Fontainebleau (FRA) |
13.6.2025 | Täby Stavhoppsgala (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Täby torg, Täby (SWE) |
14.6.2025 | EAP Malta International (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Marsa Athletics Track, Marsa (MLT) |
14.6.2025 | Envol Trophée (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Stade du Brotillon, Pierre-Bénite (FRA) |
14.6.2025 | Gouden Spike (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Sportcomplex De Leidse Hout, Leiden (NED) |
14.6.2025 | Immobel International Athletics Meeting of Nivelles (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Stade du Parc de la Dodaine, Nivelles (BEL) |
14.6.2025 | Meeting d'athlétisme de Poitiers (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Stade Paul Rebeilleau, Poitiers (FRA) |
14.6.2025 | Meeting of Braga (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Estádio 1o de Maio, Braga (POR) |
14.6.2025 | Mityng na Rynku w Bia?ymstoku (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Market square, Bia?ystok (POL) |
14.6.2025 | Track Night Vienna (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | LAZ Wien, Wien (AUT) |
15.6.2025 | Janusz Sidlo Memorial - Grand Prix of Sopot (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Forest Stadium, Sopot (POL) |
15.6.2025 | Johnny Loaring Classic (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Alumni Field, Windsor (CAN) |
15.6.2025 | Diamond League Stockholm | Olympiastadion, Stockholm (SWE) |
17.6.2025 | Paavo Nurmi Games (World Athletics Continental Tour Gold A) | Paavo Nurmen Stadion, Turku (FIN) |
18.6.2025 | 39ème Meeting International Montgeron-Essonne (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Stade Pierre de Coubertin, Montgeron (FRA) |
18.6.2025 | COSMA Cup World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | S. Darius & S. Gir?nas Stadium, Kaunas (LTU) |
18.6.2025 | Royal City Inferno Track and Field Festival (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Alumni Stadium, Guelph (CAN) |
19.6.2025 | Kritérium SNP (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | tadión SNP, Banská Bystrica (SVK) |
19.6.2025 | Liese Prokop Memorial (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Sportzentrum Niederösterreich, St. Pölten (AUT) |
20.6.2025 | Diamond League Paris | Stade Charléty, Paris (FRA) |
21.6.2025 | 19. Schönebecker SoleCup (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | UNION-Stadion, Schönebeck (GER) |
21.6.2025 | 27. Anhalt Meeting Dessau (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Paul-Greifzu-Stadion, Dessau (GER) |
21.6.2025 | Atleticageneve - EAP (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Centre sportif Bout-du-Monde, Genève (SUI) |
21.6.2025 | British Milers Club Grand Prix (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Paula Radcliffe Stadium, Loughborough (GBR) |
21.6.2025 | JÕHVI 2025 - Heino Lipp memorial (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Heino Lipp Stadium, Jöhvi (EST) |
21.6.2025 | Loughborough Summer Pole Vault Invitational (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Loughborough University Track, Loughborough (GBR) |
21.6.2025 | Motonet GP Kuortane (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Kuortaneen keskusurheilukenttä, Kuortane (FIN) |
22.6.2025 | Bob Vigars Classic (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Alumni Stadium, London (CAN) |
22.6.2025 | Konopacka Warsaw Classic (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Stadion Podskarbi?ska, Warszawa (POL) |
22.6.2025 | Meeting International d'Athlétisme de Troyes Aube (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Stade d'Athletisme Pierre Voillequin, Troyes (FRA) |
22.6.2025 | Piraeus Street Long Jump (World Athletics Continental Tour Silver B) | Municipal Theatre Of Piraeus, Piraeus (GRE) |
24.6.2025 | 64th Ostrava Golden Spike (World Athletics Continental Tour Gold A) | Mestský Stadion, Ostrava (CZE) |
24.6.2025 | Brn?nská La?ka Olympia (World Athletics Continental Tour Silver B) | Nákupní centrum Olympia, Brno (CZE) |
27.6.2025 | 15. Int. Sparkassenmeeting (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Jahnstadion, Osterode (GER) |
28.6.2025 | 29. Internationales Hofer Sparkassen Stabhochsprung-Meeting (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Altstadt, Hof (GER) |
28.6.2025 | 31. midsommar - Charlottenburger-Mittsommernacht (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Mommsenstadion, Berlin (GER) |
28.6.2025 | Meeting National de Carquefou (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Stade Du Moulin Boisseau, Carquefou (FRA) |
29.6.2025 | USATF New York City Grand Prix (World Athletics Continental Tour Gold A) | Icahn Stadium, New York, NY (USA) |
2.7.2025 | "36. Mednarodni miting ""Novo mesto 2025""" (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Stadion Portoval, Novo Mesto (SLO) |
2.7.2025 | Boysen Memorial (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Bislett Stadion, Oslo (NOR) |
2.7.2025 | Swietelsky Grand Prix Tábor 2025 (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Stadion Míru, Tábor (CZE) |
3.7.2025 | Folksam Grand Prix Karlstad (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Sola Arena, Karlstad (SWE) |
4.7.2025 | Meeting Stanislas Nancy (World Athletics Continental Tour Silver B) | Stade Raymond Petit, Tomblaine (FRA) |
5.7.2025 | BMW L. Louyet Meeting (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Provincial domain Huizingen, Huizingen (BEL) |
5.7.2025 | Dromia International Sprint and Relays Meeting (World Athletics Continental Tour Silver B) | Konstantinos Baglatzis Municipal Stadium, Vari (GRE) |
5.7.2025 | IX Ordizia Meeting - International Meeting Jose Antonio Peña (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Altamira estadioa, Ordizia (ESP) |
5.7.2025 | Meeting National Est Lyonnais (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Stade Raymond Troussier, Decines (FRA) |
5.7.2025 | Diamond League Eugene | Hayward Field, Eugene, OR (USA) |
6.7.2025 | Czes?aw Cybulski Memorial (World Athletics Continental Tour Silver B) | Gol?cin Stadion, Poznan (POL) |
6.7.2025 | Fly Athens (World Athletics Continental Tour Silver B) | Pl. Panathinaikou Stadiou, Athina (GRE) |
7.7.2025 | Meeting International Sotteville 2025 (World Athletics Continental Tour Silver B) | Stade Jean Adret, Sotteville-lès-Rouen (FRA) |
8.7.2025 | Cork City Sports (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Munster Technological University Track, Cork (IRL) |
8.7.2025 | Galà dei Castelli (World Athletics Continental Tour Silver B) | Stadio Comunale, Bellinzona (SUI) |
9.7.2025 | Grand Prix Ústí nad Labem (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | M?stský stadion, Ústí nad Labem (CZE) |
10.7.2025 | "XXVIII Meeting Internazionale ""Citta' di Nembro""" (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Centro Sportivo Saletti, Nembro (ITA) |
11.7.2025 | CTFL Finals Presented By Ottawa Lions (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Terry Fox AF, Ottawa (CAN) |
11.7.2025 | Morton Games (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Morton Stadium, Santry, Dublin (IRL) |
11.7.2025 | Diamond League Monaco | Stade Louis II, Monaco (MON) |
12.7.2025 | 47th Grand Prix Nove Mesto nad Metuji (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | General Klapálek ?s stadium, Nové M?sto nad Metují (CZE) |
12.7.2025 | British Milers Club Grand Prix (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Woodside Stadium, Watford (GBR) |
12.7.2025 | Moore-Guldensporenmeeting (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Sportcentrum Wembley, Kortrijk (BEL) |
12.7.2025 | Motonet GP Joensuu (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Keskusurheilukenttä, Joensuu (FIN) |
12.7.2025 - 13.7.2025 | Meeting Bouvet-Bionda (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Stade de Vongy, Thonon-les-Bains (FRA) |
13.7.2025 | Edmonton Athletics Invitational (World Athletics Continental Tour Silver B) | Foote Field, Edmonton (CAN) |
13.7.2025 | Meeting International de Marseille (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Stade Delort, Marseille (FRA) |
13.7.2025 | Meeting Sport e Solidarietà Lignano (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Stadio G. Teghil, Lignano Sabbiadoro (ITA) |
15.7.2025 | Grand Prix Brescia (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Centro Gabre Gabric, Brescia (ITA) |
15.7.2025 | Harry Jerome Track Classic (World Athletics Continental Tour Silver B) | Swangard Stadium, Burnaby (CAN) |
15.7.2025 | Spitzen Leichtathletik Luzern (World Athletics Continental Tour Silver B) | Stadion Allmend, Luzern (SUI) |
16.7.2025 | Meeting International d'Athlétisme de la Province de Liège 2025 (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Stade Naimette-Xhovémont, Liège (BEL) |
18.7.2025 | PUMA Fast Arms Fast Legs (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Enwag-Stadion, Wetzlar (GER) |
19.7.2025 | Meeting Madrid 2025 (World Athletics Continental Tour Silver B) | Estadio Vallehermoso, Madrid (ESP) |
19.7.2025 | Meeting Maia Cidade do Desporto (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Estádio José Vieira de Carvalho, Maia (POR) |
19.7.2025 | Night of Athletics (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Stadion De Veen, Heusden-Zolder (BEL) |
19.7.2025 | Diamond League Lontoo | Olympic Stadium, London (GBR) |
20.7.2025 | The Hero International Street Shotput Meeting (World Athletics Continental Tour Silver B) | Anavissos Beach, Athina (GRE) |
22.7.2025 | Folksam Grand Prix Varberg (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Påskbergsvallen, Varberg (SWE) |
23.7.2025 | Motonet GP Tampere (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Ratinan Stadion, Tampere (FIN) |
23.7.2025 | Raiffeisen Austrian Open Eisenstadt (World Athletics Continental Tour Silver B) | Leichtathletikarena, Eisenstadt (AUT) |
25.7.2025 | Classique d'Athlétisme de Québec (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | PEPS de l'Université Laval, Quebec City (CAN) |
26.7.2025 | Folksam Grand Prix Göteborg (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Slottsskogsvallen, Göteborg (SWE) |
26.7.2025 | Triveneto Meeting Internazionale (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Campo Sportivo G. Draghicchio, Trieste (ITA) |
27.7.2025 | ISTAF 2025 (World Athletics Continental Tour Silver B) | Olympiastadion, Berlin (GER) |
28.7.2025 | Hungarian GP Series -Budapest (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Lantos Mihály Sportközpont, Budapest (HUN) |
30.7.2025 | 8. International Wies?aw Maniak Memorial (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Wieslaw Maniak Municipal Athletic Stadium, Szczecin (POL) |
6.8.2025 | La Classique d'athlétisme de Montréal (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Complexe Sportif Claude-Robillard, Montréal (CAN) |
6.8.2025 | Serbia Athletics Meeting (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Subotica (SRB) |
8.8.2025 | P-T-S meeting (World Athletics Continental Tour Silver B) | tadión SNP, Banská Bystrica (SVK) |
9.8.2025 | British Milers Club Grand Prix (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Longford Stadium Trafford, Manchester (GBR) |
9.8.2025 | IFAM Oordegem (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Putbosstadion, Oordegem (BEL) |
9.8.2025 | Mityng Ambasadorów Bia?ostockiego i Podlaskiego Sportu (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Stadion BOSiR, Bia?ystok (POL) |
9.8.2025 - 10.8.2025 | Internationales Hochsprungmeeting Heilbronn (World Athletics Continental Tour Silver B) | Marktplatz, Heilbronn (GER) |
10.8.2025 | Flight Circus (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Untere Rheinwerft / Rheinuferpromenade, Düsseldorf (GER) |
10.8.2025 | Folksam Grand Prix Sollentuna (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Sollentunavallen, Sollentuna (SWE) |
10.8.2025 | Memorial Zbigniewa Ludwichowskiego (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Uniwersytetu Warmi?sko-Mazurskiego, Olsztyn (POL) |
12.8.2025 | Gyulai István Memorial - Hungarian Athletics Grand Prix (World Athletics Continental Tour Gold A) | Bregyó Athletic Center, Székesfehérvár (HUN) |
13.8.2025 | Copenhagen Athletics Games (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Østerbro Stadium, Copenhagen (DEN) |
13.8.2025 | Motonet GP Oulu (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Raatin Stadion, Oulu (FIN) |
14.8.2025 | Grand Slam Winner Jerusalem (World Athletics Continental Tour Silver B) | Givat Ram Stadium, Jerusalem (ISR) |
15.8.2025 | 22. Internationaler Thumer Werfertag (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | Stadion an der Wiesenstraße, Thum (GER) |
15.8.2025 | Internationales Nordthüringer Leichtathletikmeeting (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Stadion am Göldner, Sondershausen (GER) |
16.8.2025 | CITIUS Meeting (World Athletics Continental Tour Silver B) | Stadion Wankdorf, Bern (SUI) |
16.8.2025 | Meeting voor Mon (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | AtletiekArena Gaston Roelants Kessel-Lo / Hal 5, Leuven (BEL) |
16.8.2025 | President's Cup Valmiera (World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze C) | J??a Dali?a Stadium, Valmiera (LAT) |
16.8.2025 | Diamond League Chorzow | Stadion ?l?ski, Chorzów (POL) |
17.8.2025 | 25th International Pole Vault Meeting for Woman (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Jahnstadion, Beckum (GER) |
17.8.2025 | Golden Sand (World Athletics Continental Tour Silver B) | Promenada Gwiazd, Miedzyzdroje (POL) |
20.8.2025 | WACT Silver Hammer Throw Competition (World Athletics Continental Tour Silver B) | Sugár úti Atlétikai Centrum, Szombathely (HUN) |
20.8.2025 | Diamond League Lausanne | Stade Olympique de la Pontaise, Lausanne (SUI) |
22.8.2025 | Diamond League Brussels | Boudewijnstadion, Bruxelles (BEL) |
27.8.2025 - 28.8.2025 | Diamond League Zürich | Letzigrund, Zürich (SUI) |
30.8.2025 | The Monument Mile Classic (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | University of Stirling Track, Stirling (GBR) |
5.9.2025 | Velká cena Chebu (World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger D) | Stadion v Pooh?í, Cheb (CZE) |
7.9.2025 | World Athletics Continental Tour - Beijing (World Athletics Continental Tour Gold A) | National Stadium, Beijing (CHN) |
Athletics – Results today
Here you can find the results of the latest main international events as well as live results links to the competitions.
Athletics – World Records
Men – Outdoors
Discipline | Athlete | Result | Date |
100 m | Usain Bolt | 9,58 | 16.8.2009 |
200 m | Usain Bolt | 19,19 | 20.8.2009 |
400 m | Wayde van Niekerk | 43,03 | 14.8.2006 |
800 m | David Rudisha | 1.40,91 | 9.8.2012 |
1500 m | Hicham El Guerrouj | 3.26,00 | 14.7.1998 |
Mile | Hicham El Guerrouj | 3.43,13 | 7.7.1999 |
3000 m | Daniel Komen | 7.20,67 | 1.9.1996 |
5000 m | Joshua Cheptegei | 12.35,36 | 14.8.2020 |
10 000 m | Kenenisa Bekele | 26.17,53 | 26.8.2005 |
3000 m steeple. | Saif Saaeed Shaheen | 7.53,63 | 3.9.2004 |
Half marathon | Geoffrey Kamworor | 58.01 | 15.9.2019 |
Marathon | Eliud Kipchoge | 2.01.39 | 16.9.2018 |
110 m hurdles | Aries Merritt | 12,80 | 7.9.2012 |
400 m hurdles | Keving Young | 46,78 | 6.8.1992 |
Long jump | Mike Powell | 895 | 30.8.1991 |
High jump | Javier Sotomayor | 245 | 27.7.1993 |
Triple jump | Jonathan Edwards | 18,29 | 7.8.1995 |
Pole vault | Renaud Lavillenie | 616 | 15.2.2014 |
Javelin | Jan Zelezny | 98,48 | 25.5.1996 |
Shot put | Randy Barnes | 23,12 | 20.5.1990 |
Discus throw | Jürgen Schult | 74,08 | 6.6.1986 |
Hammer throw | Juri Sedyh | 86,74 | 30.8.1986 |
Decathlon | Kevin Mayer | 9126 | 15-16.9.2018 |
4x 100 m | Jamaika | 36,84 | 11.8.2012 |
4 x 400 m | USA | 2.54,29 | 22.8.1993 |
Women – Outdoors
Discipline | Athlete | Result | Date |
100 m | Florence Griffith‑Joyner | 10,49 | 16.7.1988 |
200 m | Florence Griffith‑Joyner | 21,34 | 29.9.1988 |
400 m | Marita Koch | 47,60 | 6.10.1985 |
800 m | Jarmila Kratochvílová | 1.53,28 | 26.7.1983 |
1500 m | Genzebe Dibabaj | 3.50,07 | 17.7.2015 |
Mile | Sifan Hassan | 4.12,33 | 12.7.2019 |
3000 m | Wang Junxia | 8.06,11 | 13.9.1993 |
5000 m | Tirunesh Dibaba | 14.11,15 | 6.6.2008 |
10 000 m | Almaz Ayana | 29.17,45 | 12.8.2016 |
3000 m steeple | Beatrice Chepkoech | 8.44,32 | 20.7.2018 |
Half marathon | Joyciline Jepkosgei | 64.51 | 22.10.2017 |
Marathon | Paula Radcliffe | 2.15.25 | 13.4.2003 |
100 m hurdles | Kendra Harrison | 12,20 | 22.7.2016 |
400 m hurdles | Dalilah Muhammad | 52,16 | 4.10.2019 |
Long jump | Galina Tšistjakova | 752 | 11.6.1988 |
High jump | Stefka Kostadinova | 209 | 30.8.1987 |
Triple jump | Inessa Kravets | 15,50 | 10.8.1995 |
Pole vault | Jelena Isinbajeva | 506 | 28.8.2009 |
Javelin throw | Barbora Špotákova | 72,28 | 13.9.2008 |
Shot put | Natalja Lisovskaja | 22,63 | 7.6.1987 |
Discus throw | Gabriele Reinsch | 76,80 | 9.7.1988 |
Hammer throw | Anita Włodarczyk | 82,98 | 28.8.2016 |
Heptathlon | Jackie Joyner-Kersee | 7291 | 23.-24.9.1988 |
4x 100 m | Yhdysvallat | 40,82 | 10.8.2012 |
4 x 400 m | Neuvostoliitto | 3.15,17 | 1.10.1988 |
Men – Indoors
Discipline | Athlete | Result | Date |
60 m | Christian Coleman | 6,34 | 18. Feb 2018 |
200 m | Frankie Fredericks | 19,92 | 18. Feb 1996 |
400 m | Kerron Clement | 44,57 | 12. March 2005 |
800 m | Wilson Kipketer | 1:42,67 | 9. March 1997 |
1000 m | Ayanleh Souleiman | 2:14,20 | 17. Feb 2016 |
1500 m | Samuel Tefera | 3:31,04 | 16. Feb 2019 |
Mile | Yomif Kejelcha | 3:47,01 | 3. March 2019 |
3000 m | Daniel Komen | 7:24,90 | 6. Feb 1998 |
5000 m | Kenenisa Bekele | 12:49,60 | 20. Feb 2004 |
60 m hurdles | Colin Jackson | 7,30 | 6. March 1994 |
High jump | Javier Sotomayor | 243 | 4. March 1989 |
Pole vault | Armand Duplantis | 618 | 15. Feb 2020 |
Long jump | Carl Lewis | 879 | 27. Jan 1984 |
Triple jump | Teddy Tamgho | 17,92 | 6. March 2011 |
Shot put | Randy Barnes | 22,66 | 20. Jan 1989 |
Heptathlon | Ashton Eaton | 6645 pts | 10. March 2012 |
Women – Indoors
Discipline | Athlete | Result | Date |
60 m | Irina Privalova | 6,92 | 11. Feb 1993 |
200 m | Merlene Ottey | 21,87 | 13. Feb 1993 |
400 m | Jarmila Kratochvílová | 49,59 | 7. March 1982 |
800 m | Jolanda Čeplak | 1:55,82 | 3. March 2002 |
1000 m | Maria Mutola | 2.30,94 | 25. Feb 1999 |
1500 m | Genzebe Dibaba | 3.55,17 | 1. Feb 2014 |
Mile | Genzebe Dibaba | 4.13,31 | 17. Feb 2016 |
3000 m | Genzebe Dibaba | 8.16,60 | 6. Feb 2014 |
5000 m | Genzebe Dibaba | 14.18,86 | 19. Feb 2015 |
60 m hurdles | Susanna Kallur | 7,68 | 10. Feb 2008 |
High jump | Kajsa Bergqvist | 208 | 4. Feb 2006 |
Pole vault | Jenn Suhr | 503 | 30. Jan 2016 |
Long jump | Heike Drechsler | 737 | 13. Feb 1988 |
Triple jump | Yulimar Rojas | 15,43 | 21. Feb 2020 |
Shot put | Helena Fibingerová | 22,50 | 19. Feb 1977 |
Pentathlon | Nataliya Dobrynska | 5013 pts | 9. March 2012 |